During many of the competitions that the Canadian Junior Golf Association (CJGA) has had, many of the junior golfers and parents have had many questions pertaining to the Rules of Golf.

As a result, the CJGA has developed a new page on its website that is devoted to the Rules of Golf. Understanding how our youth learn through visual aids, we have incorporated the Rules of Golf as a learning tool in a video format.

The CJGA would like to thank the R&A through the Claire Hargan, Assistant Director – Rules and the USGA through Jamie Wallace, Director, Rules – Technology, Content & Education at United States Golf Association (USGA) for the use of all the videos below.

Both the R&A and USGA are dedicated to the knowledge, understanding and learning of the Rules of Golf.

By allowing the CJGA to use these videos, they are helping our juniors have a better understanding of the Rules of Golf.

The Rules of Golf videos make understanding the Rules easier for our juniors because they are visual. 

Hope you enjoy the videos.

Click here to visit the CJGA Rules page.